Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2011

The suffering is over: SOUTH AFRICA - GREECE 17 - 0

by National Greek Ice Hockey Team on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 12:34am
Same ol' story, one team attacking, the other trying to defend. 74 shots (!) for South Africa, only 4 shots for the Greek team and final score 17-0 for South Africa, which is the biggest defeat between these two teams in the Men's Ice Hockey team history. Nothing else really left to comment about this game. 
Pity though for the Greek fans that tried with drums and cheers to help the National Team score some goal. 

Final Standing: 
1) Israel
2) South Africa
3) Turkey
4) Luxembourg
5) Greece
6) Mongolia (forfeit) 
Israel and South Africa promote to Div2 

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