Πέμπτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

The secret meaning of the two cash boxes

Don’t you wonder why there are two cash boxes at the Athens Heart Ice Rink? 
The Ice Sports Center of Athens SA (I.C.A.) is supposed to share the income of one of the two cash boxes with Athens Heart and Koliopoulos Bros. Co. (the ice rink manufacturer), whereby this income comes from the entrance money paid by the public. In December 2009, the Ice Center of Athens SA did not succeed in obtaining any credit from Greek banks, but Mr. Chatziathanassiou ordered to proceed with the construction of a private ice rink in Athens Heart. So he called everyone and told them his “fairy tales” so that he could receive a personal credit (30,000 Euros) from the Koliopoulos Bros. Co.  But because there was no other way to repay this amount, he thought to share a part of the income of this cash box with Koliopoulos Bros. Co. like with Athens Heart. In other words, the I.C.A.did not even have the necessary initial capital for starting this project. The I.C.A. only has the usage of all Federation facilities and the boards of the Peace and Friendship Stadium (Greek Government).
The second cash box is operated by Mrs. Makris. She is the wife of Mr. E. Armakolas, President and CEO of the I.C.A. Probably she is doing her work at the cash box (for free??), and her work there is of course illegal because she is also at the same time president of the Ice Sports Club “Albatross”, alternate member of the HISF Board and representative of various club members (as per the circumstances in various HISF General Assemblies). Thus, her work at that cash box is against the law of incompatibility. This second cash box is for courses, training and preparation for HISF “athletes”. All lessons are carried out by previously baptized “federal coaches” who have been renamed into “qualified coaches” after our own posts on this blog – and of course without any required license to practice. The income from this cash box is solely collected by the I.C.A., i.e. by the owner Mr. Chatziathanassiou, and he is not sharing that income with anyone. 
HISF is offering the whole logistic infrastructure (boards, ice skates, electric equipment, ice hockey goals, etc.). And certain customers, for example all athletes, rather than receiving a share of this cash box income, she have to pay an additional rent to I.C.A. for using the ice rink during the dead hours, when nobody is visiting the ice rink. 
If you were a federation president, would you seriously buy for example 500 pairs of second hand “fun” ice skates to offer them to a private company for free, so that it could rent them to the public, because this company did not even have skates in the first place? Basically, there is actually one who is doing that: Mr. Chatziathanassiou does that all for the sake of the development of his own personal private business (the I.C.A.), which is of course against the Federation and her athletes, who are obliged to pay the fees for all lessons and classes carried out by the “incompetent qualified coaches” in the second cash box. People, this is your Federation President, who is simply doing everything for your “well-being”! Believe it or not, he makes that all only because of you! If he would do that in another federation, they would have fired him already many years ago!!!

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