Δευτέρα 31 Ιανουαρίου 2011

The "champions" of figure skating 2010 and Chatziathanassiou’s international forum’s representative

The above picture shows the "Greek champions in women's figure skating 2010” (Papanikolaou, Reinhardt and Sekki).
Paradoxically, as we found on the official website of International Skating Union (ISU), the CV of Georgia Glastris, referred her as "Greek champion in 2010"! Why then we hold championships in our country, when finally other athletes taking part and others represent us abroad?
This is a question we would like to ask the Secretary General of Sports, who foremost continues to subsidize this particular “fake” sports federation. Also we wonder why the athletes that have taken part in "2010 Greek Championship", or even their parents still not sue Chatziathanassiou, but also Georgia Glastris, for these violations of sports law and ethics. 

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Ανώνυμος11/4/11 01:07

    Glastris came this year 2011 to compete with beginners as mr Papanikolaou Reinchard and one more tha skate for 3+4 months!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations for her level hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Bocca Chatzivailou!!!!!!!!!!!!


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