Τετάρτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise Take Suri on an Ice-Skating Adventure

Source: USmagazine
Credit: Fame Pictures

Ice queen in training?
Suri Cruise looks the part in her pink skirt and figure skates! On Saturday, the 5-year-old hit the ice with parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in a Pittsburgh skating rink.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes spent a wintry weekend with Suri in Pittsburgh. The family of three visited an ice rink, where they showed off their skating moves Saturday. Tom helped Suri along while Katie followed behind in a festive sweater. It was an extra special outing since Tom and Katie celebrated their five-year wedding anniversary on Friday. The couple got married in Italy on Nov. 18, 2006, and they've been busy ever since.

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